Synchronous Machine/Control System Tests


Synchronous machine·
Control system

We test power control of synchronous machine (main body
and generator) and features of AVR and GOV, speed/output
control, and control system for more stable and reliable
electricity system.

Tests on dynamic characteristics of Synchronous machine and control system and Derivation of model parameters
We analyze test data on characteristics of synchronous machine and control systems to verify the model and Derivation optimal parameters of control system, in order to improve stability of electricity system and for more reliable operation.
Test Parameter
V-Curve Saturated/unsaturated reactance
Generator load shedding Subtransient/transient reactance
Generator power step response Subtransient/transient time constant
No-load saturation curve Characteristics of generator output
PSS response GOV, AVR, PSS model parameters
OEL/UEL Inertia coefficient of generator
PSS tests
We test gain margins and parameters of electricity stabilizer that protects electric system and generator by suppressing low frequency oscillations. By doing so, we estimate and provide optimal tuning for parameters.
Test on tuning AVR, GOV control system
We provide optimal tuning for control system based on characteristics and outcomes of AVR and GOV (on/off-line) to improve stability of generator control.



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